Why Is Modern Photovoltaic Solar System Worth To The Investment?
Since few years, demand for different Solar Power System is mounting. The modern solar power system is based on Photovoltaic technology. This power system is designed to transform solar power to electricity directly. The system consists of precise arrangement of different components like solar panels which absorbs sunlight and transforms it to electricity. The system constitutes of a solar inverter that changes the DC current to AC current. The system also constitutes mounting cable and several other electrical accessories. Some advanced solar system also have solar tracking system that improves the overall performance. The Photovoltaic Solar Systems are way out different than the concentrated solar thermal systems that are used for heating and cooling. How Does This Work? The solar panels used in the Solar System compose number of solar cells that contain photovoltaic materials like monocrcystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, copper indium sulphide, cadmium telluride...